About this project
The 2024 Uber Proxy Statement’s design successfully increases transparency and engages shareholders. The report includes a number of infographics that are purposefully used to grab readers’ attention and shed light on important topics. For example, Platform Highlights graphically depict Uber as a global tech platform at massive scale. These infographics reinforce Uber’s dedication to open communication and corporate governance transparency by condensing complex data into aesthetically pleasing, understandable glimpses. In keeping with contemporary best practices in corporate reporting, the design not only makes the Proxy Statement visually appealing but also highlights Uber’s position as a major participant in the technology and mobility industry.

Informative tables and graphs
The Uber proxy statement skillfully combines tables, pie graphs, bar charts, and statistical callouts to show important ideas, such as how much executives are paid, the company’s biggest successes and problems, and key points about corporate governance. The use of these visual aids, shareholders can rapidly understand the most important facets of the company’s performance and governance procedures. This carefully considered integration of graphic elements, which enhances the report’s usability, furthers Uber’s commitment to accountability and transparency in corporate reporting.
Infographics and charts
A key function of the proxy statement’s custom-designed infographics and charts is to clarify key ideas, such as the compensation program’s evolution, executive compensation highlights, investor engagement feedback cycle, annual board member evaluations, and compensation philosophy, objectives, and governance. These graphics are purposefully designed to highlight the connections between different elements, clearly illustrating how each step of the process is related to the others. A greater comprehension of the company’s governance procedures and compensation plans is made possible by this visual approach, which presents an extensive and coherent image of the company’s objectives.